Bosnian Serb charged with crimes against humanity

A Bosnian Serb man has been charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes relating to his participation in Bosnia 1992-95 war.

The defendant, Oliver Krsmanovic former member of the 2nd Podrinjska Light Infantry Brigade, is accused of unlawfully detaining and killing 70 Bosnian Muslim civilians  in the eastern town of Visegrad on June 27, 1992. He is also charged with raping and sexual abusing women under captivity in the town.

It is alleged that he collaborated with  Milan Lukic, leader of a Serb paramilitary group known as the White Eagles who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2009 by the Hague for the murder of 119 Muslims in 1992.

The court case comes as 8 Bosnian Muslim men were arrested for crimes they allegedly committed during the war. The men are accused of war crimes against civilians and prisoners of war, who were subjected to “inhuman treatment, torture and forced labour”.

The Bosnian court was opened up in addition to the Hague to prosecute low- and mid-ranking war crimes cases, leaving the Hague to concentrate on the top indictees such as Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.

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