<p>Boris Johnson has pledged to repay the trust of all those that voted for him after he was re-elected Prime Minister of Britain, with the Conservative Party winning a heavy majority in the UK’s General Election.</p>
<p>“I, and we, will never take your support for granted,” said Johnson in his victory speech. “I will make it my mission to work night and day, to work flat-out to prove you right in voting for me this time, and to earn your support in the future.”</p>
<p>The Conservative Party won 364 seats to the Labour Party’s 203, giving them the biggest Conservative majority since the 1980s, added Johnson.</p>
<p>“I say to you that in this election your voice has been heard - and about time too,” he <a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2019-50777071"><u>stated</u></a>.</p>
<p>On the eve of the vote, Johnson released a message directly to the Tamil community on his Twitter page, thanking them “for everything they do for our country”. “I think that the values of the Tamil community and the contribution they make to the NHS, to the entrepreneurship in our country, the value they attach to education, educational achievement make a fantastic difference,” he added.</p>
<p>In Scotland, the Scottish National Party swept through much of the country, winning 48 seats. SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said their performance sent a "clear message" on a second independence referendum.</p>
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