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Bolivia deports suspected war criminal to Argentina

An Argentinean officer, accused of committing crimes against humanity during the country’s bloody “Dirty War”, has been extradited from Bolivia.

68-year old Jorge Horacio Paez Senestrari, who had been on the run since 2011, was detained on Friday in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.

He is accused of aggravated homicide, during military rule in Argentina, where he served as a captain in Argentina's north-western San Juan province.

Bolivian Interior Minister Jorge Perez said Mr Paez had "played a direct role in Operation Condor", which saw the military governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay collaborate to eliminate political opponents.

Mr Paez was detained in San Juan until 2011, when a court ordered his release, while he was awaiting trial on charges of crimes against humanity. He subsequently failed to attend a court hearing and fled to neighbouring Bolivia.

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