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Blame game over who created the Tamil diaspora

The United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), the ruling coalition of Sri Lanka, blamed the UNP, opposition party, for the creation of the Tamil diaspora and international scrutiny faced by Sri Lanka.

Speaking at a media conference at the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) headquarters, the general secretary of the UPFA, Susil Premajayantha, outlined that the UPFA government’s failure to prevent the 1983 anti-Tamil pogroms  created the diaspora, who were now involved in lobbying the international community to take action against Sri Lanka using claims of war crimes during the final stages of the ethnic conflict in 2009.

Deploring UNP criticisms that the UPFA government was culpable for international scrutiny faced by Sri Lanka, he further criticised the UNP for internationalising an internal conflict by allowing foreign observers and facilitators into talks with the LTTE and stated,

“Now the UNP criticises the government for not launching an effective counter attack"

Recent weeks have seen Sri Lankan parties fight hard to deflect culpability for the heightening international scrutiny the country faces.

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