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BBS slams 'international conspiracy' on presidential poll

Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has criticised the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) for their support of opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena in the upcoming presidential polls, labelling it a “conspiracy”.

“This conspiracy which has international overtones is a threat to national security and our hard won peace and freedoms gained by defeating terrorism,” said General Secretary of the BBS, Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera. “Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations too are involved,” he added.

Speaking on the JHU decision to align itself with the opposition candidate, Gnanasara added the JHU was looking to increase the number of seats it holds in parliament. “Being an MP is a good investment as one can sell oneself at Rs 50 to 60 million at each election,” said Gnanasara, adding “Muslim parties engage in politics only to increase their lot."

The BBS leader went on to say that former Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumarantunga was influential in convincing Sirisena to run for presidency, stating “Kumaratunga is creating a schism among the patriotic elements."

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