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Ban Ki-moon calls on Sri Lanka to cooperate with OHCHR

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on Sri Lanka to “constructively engage and cooperate” with the Office of the High Commissioner on the implementation of the resolution passed by the Human Rights Council last week.

Speaking at the daily briefing of the UN, deputy spokesperson for the Secretary General Farhan Haq said that Ban Ki-moon welcomes the “determination” shown by High Commissioner Navi Pillay to advance accountability.

“He welcomes the determination by the High Commissioner for Human Rights to advance accountability and promote lasting peace and reconciliation in the country.” Haq said.

“The Secretary-General calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to constructively engage and cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner on the implementation of the resolution adopted last week by the Human Rights Council. He recalls the commitments made to him on accountability by the President of Sri Lanka in their Joint Statement of 2009.”

Haq added that the United Nations will remain engaged with Sri Lanka to support Sri Lanka's efforts to make progress in accountability, reconciliation and a lasting political solution.

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