Australia makes fake horoscope advert to stop asylum seekers fleeing Sri Lanka

The Australian government has been found to have created fake horoscopes, as part of an advertising campaign to discourage those fleeing Sri Lanka from coming to the country.

Various star signs cite specific reasons for not seeking asylum with one describing how such journeys would lead to “debt forever”. "If you illegally travel to Australia by boat you will be returned. Everything you risked to get there will be in vain and you will end up owing everyone," says the Sagittarius horoscope.

One warns of the “humiliation of failure in your community”, whilst another says those who travel may "will lose your wife's jewellery”.

The Australian government has precedence for creating material discouraging immigration from specific countries. They have created graphic novels, billboards and posters. Click here to see an example of a graphic novel created for Afghanistan citizens by the Australian government.

US President Donald Trump has been a keen advocate of Australia’s anti-immigration adverts, stating "much can be learned" from their poster campaign.

Read more from The Guardian here and Buzzfeed here.

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