The Sri Lankan Army appeared at the house of TNPF member Selvarajah Kajendran's house in Jaffna and proceeded to enquire about his wherabouts earlier this week.
Publishing from his personal Twitter account on the 24th of January, Kajendran said,
"#lanka army personnel in uniform had gone to my house in #jaffna & inquired my whereabouts around 3:00pm."
See further incidents of state intimidation of TNPF activists in the past month alone below:
Terrorism Investigation Division summons TNPF leader (27 December 2012)
TNPF member threatened by security forces and paramilitary over protest (17 January 2013)
SL police question TNPF Jaffna office on protests (17 January 2013)
Also see our editorial:
Tamil activism and the international community’s responsibility to protect (03 January 2013)