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Army camp construction jeopardises basic needs of locals

The locals of Karainagar have expressed concern of the inconveniences they will face due to the construction of an expansive army camp in Sambalodai area.

Sambalodai holds the most fresh water resources in the Karainagar area as well as being a significant location for carrying out funeral rites.

Uthayan reports that locals have expressed concern that the camp would cut them off from water supplies and restrict access to the areas many crematoriums.

Chairman of the Karainagar regional council S. Thurgeswaran said,

“The construction of the Sambalodai army camp will cut off the basic needs of the people of Karanaigar. This will also discourage those wishing to resettle in the area.”

“The consequence of this is that the military would outnumber citizens in Karainagar. The lands of hundreds of citizens have already been seized in order to expand what started off as a small navy base in Karainagar.”

“Now the construction of an army camp in Sambalodai has left the people of Karainagar fearing the loss of their lands and livelihoods. Therefore they want to stop the construction of this camp in its early stages of creation.”

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