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'Aragalaya' must take up Tamil demands - Tamil Solidarity

Tamil participation in the Sri Lankan anti-government protests, known in Sinhalese as the 'Aragalaya', has been low as the movement has failed to take up their demands and is still dominated by Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism, Tamil Solidarity has said.

The UK-based left-wing group has put forward the following demands to the movement:

  • Rajapaksa’s family committed heinous crimes against all communities. They are also responsible for war crimes committed against the Tamils. This family and their allies in the military high command who stand accused of war crimes should be brought to justice.
  • All political prisoners should be released immediately.
  • Justice for the disappeared; a new and adequate investigation should be launched.
  • Military participation in any civilian matters should be stopped immediately and the military should be withdrawn from all civilian areas.
  • All occupied land to be released to its owners – tea workers’ right to land should be granted.
  • The right to religion and non-religion should be respected – no forms of Islamophobia should be permitted.
  • Draconian laws such as the PTA should be abolished.
  • The election of a revolutionary constituent assembly to be held organised by the mass movement. This body can start a fresh discussion about a constitution that would be acceptable for all.

"If the masses establish a constituent assembly, this can also grant to the Tamils their right to self-determination," the group said.

See the full statement here.

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