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Another 'Dirty War' suspect to face justice - Argentina

An ex-military officer in Argentina's 'Dirty War' has been arrested by authorities in Boliva, on charges of human rights violations.

The officer, Luis Enrique Baraldini, was extradited to Argentina, after Bolivian Interior Minister, Wilfredo Chavez, presented a handcuffed Baraldini at a press conference in La Paz.

Chavez said Baraldini "was a member of the epoch of dictatorship in Argentina and has therefore been charged in that country."

Former Argentine army general, Jorge Videla was sentenced to life in prison last year for crimes against humanity.

The general is accused of being the main architect of what became known as Argentina's ‘Dirty War’ – a period of state-sponsored terror friom 1976 to 1983 in which up to 30,000 people were killed or ‘disappeared’.

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