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Amnesty condemns death threats against opposition campaigners

Amnesty International, in a statement released a day before Sri Lanka's presidential election on January 8, condemned death threats issued to three prominent opposition campaigners.

"The Sri Lankan authorities must hold to account those who threatened three prominent opposition activists with death today and ensure that tomorrow’s presidential election passes without further violence," Amnesty International said, noting that the threats came after severed heads of dogs were placed outside the homes of the campaigners earlier this week, in an apparent warning to them.

Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia Pacific Director David Griffiths said:

“These death threats against activists who have been peacefully defending human rights are utterly deplorable.

“The Sri Lankan authorities must do their utmost to find and hold to account those responsible, and send a clear signal that threats and violence around the elections will not be tolerated.

“These threats come against the backdrop of a violent election campaign, in which opposition activists have overwhelmingly borne the brunt of attacks.

“The government must ensure that people can vote without fear on election day, and that there are no repercussions afterwards regardless of the outcome.”

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