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4 'LTTE suspects' arrested in Malaysia

Malaysian police have arrested four more people for allegedly having links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, reported Reuters.

Police inspector general Khalid Abu Bakar said the two Tamils, one Muslim and one Sinhalese, "were planning to reactivate the group by making Malaysia as their base of operations" adding that some had “exploited their status as refugees to pursue illegal activities”.

"The police seriously view activities by foreign terrorists who attempt to use Malaysia as a transit, shelter and centre for their operations," Khalid said in a statement.

"The first suspect is a card holder of High Commission of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR). He is said to be an expert in explosives. The second suspect was alleged to have been involved in the attempted murder of former President Chandirka Kumaratunga,” Khalid said.

"The third suspect has been collaborating with a Sri Lankan citizen who was arrested by the same team on May 14 and the last suspect was the person responsible for the delivery of information to the LTTE for the attack.”

The Malaysian government deported three Tamil refugees to Sri Lanka in May, causing widespread, international concern about their safety.

Several human rights organisations have accused Sri Lanka of torturing and abusing Tamil detainees, including those sent back from other countries.

Malaysian deportations leave Tamil refugees in a state of fear (30 May 2014)

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