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Mullaitivu youth protest in support of threatened Tamil judge

In a display of solidarity with Mullaitivu judge T. Saravanarajah, who recently resigned from all his positions and fled the country due to death threats, youth in Mullaitivu organized a protest.

The demonstration took place in front of the Mullaitivu District Secretariat, where protestors wore black cloths covering their mouths and held placards in Tamil, English and Sinhala. The act was to symbolise the lack of freedom of speech on the island.

The protest aimed to raise awareness about the lack of judicial independence and the ongoing Sinhala colonization of the North-East. Both of these issues have raised concerns among youth about their future in the region.

The protest attracted a diverse group of participants, including former Northern Province Provincial Councillor T. Ravikaran, religious leaders from various faiths, and activists, all of whom joined in solidarity with the judge. The demonstration highlighted the pressing need for judicial reform and the protection of the judiciary's independence in Sri Lanka.

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