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Mullivaikkal Remembrance Week organisers followed by Sri Lankan military intelligence

The organisers of Mullivaikkal Remembrance Week have been followed and intimidated by Sri Lankan military intelligence, stated Northern Provincial Council member M K Shivajilingam.

Mr Shivajilingam said that since he and other Tamil politicians lit a flame to launch commemoration the 7th anniversary of the massacre of Tamils at the end of the armed conflict in May 2009, Sri Lankan military personnel have been following him and other organisers.

They report being followed and filmed by military intelligence personnel.

As part of the commemorations, a series of events across the North-East have been planned, at various sites of massacres committed by the Sri Lankan state.

However, Mr Shivajilingam stated that Sri Lankan troops appear at sites of planned memorial events in an effort to intimidate Tamil civilians from participating,

“The freedom of the public is being curtailed,” said the NPC member.

See our earlier posts:

Sri Lankan minister warns against 'LTTE remembrance' (12 May 2016)

Mullivaikkal Remembrance Week launched in Jaffna (13 May 2016)

Tamil genocide remembered at Navali church (14 May 2016)

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