Dartford Tamil Knowledge Centre (DTKC) hosted its first ever sports day on the 30th of June 2012 at Dartford Holy Trinity Church Primary School. The event was attened by chief guests Kim Anderson, a former Royal Navy Reserve Officer and currently a police officer, and Lorraine Sylvester, the police liaison officer for Dartford and Bluewater.
The day started with the lighting of the ceremonial light and a march past by the students of the Tamil school. The Union flagwas hoisted by Mr Anderson, Tamil Eelam’s flag by the school chairman Mr A Sanjeevan and the DTKC flag by the school head teacher Mrs S Sasikaran.
This was followed by the lighting of a mock Olympic torch by DTKC sports captain Mr Tharun Thayaparan, who also took an oath on behalf of all the students.
Throughout the day the students from the age of 5 took part in a range of physical activities, including, lemon and spoon race, bean bag throwing, fruit picking, coin hunting, sack race and running. There was healthy rivalry between all the students as they were urged on by parents and spectators.
A variety of fun competitions were also arranged by the organisers for the parents, including running, the famous tug-of-war, musical chairs and an innovative game called ‘quick shopping’, which was very popular amongst the spectators.
DTKC’s first sports day concluded with the prize giving at the end of the day. The students were handed their medals and certificates by the judges and guests of honour.
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