Jeyakumari in her video to Channel 4 |
Tamil campaigner Balendra Jeyakumari, who was arrested along with her 13-year-old daughter Vipoosika under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, warned of unknown people following her home and threatening her, in a video sent to Channel 4 last month.
Channel 4 revealed earlier today that Ms. Jeyakumari had sent a video where she warned of unknown persons looking for and following her. She told the British broadcaster,
"Unknown faces follow me and track me whenever I go home after protests. [To me, in my mind, this frightens me]."
“This is a serious threat. We are terrified to live here.”
“I gladly give this interview to Channel 4 to publicise my plight.”
Callum Macrae, director of the acclaimed documentary “No Fire Zone: Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields”, stated,
“They (Sri Lanka) are under enormous scrutiny… and yet they still seem to think that in the north where the Tamils live, they can act with impunity, that they can simply arrest prominent human rights defenders and get away with it.”
Ms. Jeyakumari, and Vipoosika during a protest last November. |
See related articles:
BBC: 'Tamil activist detained in Sri Lanka'
Heavy military presence in Vanni (14 Mar 2014)
Detained Tamil campaigner held under PTA act by TDI (14 Mar 2014)
Tamils fearful after disappearances campaigner and daughter arrested by SL police (13 Mar 2014)
Tamil 'Disappearances' campaigner and 13y daughter held by Sri Lankan military (13 Mar 2014)
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