Rising Challenge

The peace process faces more threats than violence

Mainstream Extremism

We will face an ever more uncompromising Sinhala bloc.

Tipping the Balance

More bans on the LTTE will encourage Sri Lanka's militarism

Fresh Promise

Amid deepened gloom, a fillip for the peace process

Ending Chaos

An effective state is peerless as a coordinating body.

In the Air

Will the Presidential contenders eschew Sinhala nationalism?

Sanctioning Violence

How the EU’s actions undermine the peace process.

Faith, Hope and Charity

Will Kumaratunga have to deliver on her promises?

Deepening Mistrust

Belligerence mounts as Kumaratunga procrastinates


Bindunuwewa outcome: A state steeped in Sinhala chauvinism
